Numerous academic research projects have shown the value of musical education in improving overall intellectual performance. All of our choristers are educated at Wells Cathedral School, an internationally renowned specialist music school and one of only four in England supported by government funding to provide world-class musical training for the emerging elite of the profession.

Wells is unique in that it trains gifted musicians within the structure of a conventional co-educational day and boarding school of 700 pupils aged three to 18. Alongside music, the school offers a full curriculum of academic subjects and a wide range of extra-curricular activities (see the Wells Cathedral School website for more details).

Most choristers continue to sing and perform with the school’s other choirs and ensembles after they have left the Cathedral choir. Many show ability with other musical instruments and our school structure also allows them to train at the highest level after they have left them choir.

Timetables are arranged for individual musicians to combine practice and academic work alongside concerts and masterclasses. Student musicians can participate in more than fifty different ensembles and are offered performance opportunities in the UK and abroad. The exceptional musical standards demanded and sustained at the school stem from the selection of very high calibre staff and visiting teachers.

We believe that broadening the selection procedure for choristers beyond families with the ability to fund a private education is vital to preserve inclusivity in the musical tradition of the Church. Your endowment can help to achieve this.

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