A New Choir Year

The new choir year began on Saturday 10 September with a service of Choral Evensong sung by the Great Choir.

We welcomed four new probationer choristers: Harry Hellier, William Perring, George Thomas, and Elsa Melia. We were also delighted to welcome a new bass Vicar Choral, Craig Bissex, as well as three new Choral Scholars - Theo Golden, Oscar Golden-Lee, and William White - and a new Senior Organ Scholar, James Kealey.

Our four new probations

Our four new probations

During the service the new Head and Deputy Head Choristers were invested. This year these important roles are taken by Hugh Latta and Orla Donoghue, who become Head Boy Chorister and Head Girl Chorister, respectively, and Henry Dukes and Bailey Roberts, and Harriet Perring, who will become Deputy Head Boy and Girl Choristers. We offer them our heartiest congratulations!

The new Head and Deputy Head Choristers with Matthew Owens

Congratulations are also due to the following choristers who received their surplices at the service having passed their probationary year: Raphael Davey, Daniel Fawden, Ross Lloyd, Monty Reeve-Gray, Madeline Davis, Cecilia Fawden, Eliza Hazlewood, Mimi Hughes, and Eliza Mead.

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