Former Wells Organ Scholars Appointed to St Paul's

Nicholas Freestone (L) and William Fox (R)

Nicholas Freestone (L) and William Fox (R)

We were very proud to hear this week that two of our former organ scholars have been appointed to posts at St Paul's Cathedral.

Nicholas Freestone (Wells Cathedral Senior Organ Scholar 2014-15) has already spent three months as Organ Scholar at St Paul's and has now been appointed as Acting Sub Organist for the next six months. Nick has previously also held posts at Tewkesbury Abbey and St Albans Cathedral.

William Fox (Wells Cathedral Junior Organ Scholar 2012-14) is currently completing his undergraduate degree in Music at Magdalen College, Oxford, where he is also Organ Scholar. He will be succeeding Nick to the post of Sub-Organist at St Paul's Cathedral in July. On leaving Wells, Will went on to be organ scholar at Hereford Cathedral for his gap year.

We wish them both our sincere congratulations and look forward to hearing more of their successes in the future.

You can read the full announcement from St Paul's Cathedral here.

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