It’s been so good to welcome many new Probationers into the choir this term, including three new boys and nine new girls. They have all made a great start and are settling in to the busy life of singing every day. Two of these new arrivals, George and Sophie, have joined us from other Cathedral Choirs, and have already received their surplices.
James was installed as Head Boy Chorister, and Daniel and George as Deputies, while Meg was installed as Head Girl Chorister, supported by Deputies Carla and Sophie. Since September, we have said sad farewells to three boy choristers, whose voices had changed: firstly Ozzie, who had done sterling service in the Choir for five years; then to Head Chorister James, who had shown excellent leadership during his short time wearing the red medal; and most recently to Harry . We miss them all hugely, but it has been excellent to ‘promote’ both Daniel and George to be joint Head Choristers in James’s place. They are extremely worthy successors and are already doing a brilliant job.