Services Suspended at Wells Cathedral

We have been told that, in light of the Government guidance around non-essential contact, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York have issued advice that public worship is suspended until further notice. This of course applies to Wells Cathedral and means that the Cathedral Choir will not be singing until further notice. This is a very sad time for our Choristers and Cathedral Musicians. We send them our very best wishes and greatly look forward to the day when we will hear their voices filling that glorious space once again.

Do note, however, that the Cathedral will remain open as a place of prayer, but all who enter will be asked to observe recommendations about physical (also known as social) distancing recommendations. Clergy will continue to maintain their pattern of daily and evening prayer and no-one will be turned away should they choose to join clergy in private prayer. All recommendations around maintaining hygiene in churches will be followed. Virgers and cleaners will be essential to ensure the building remains open and clean.

The official statement from Wells Cathedral is reproduced below.

Our fundraising concert with the Gesualdo Six has sadly also been postponed. Read more here.

Wells Cathedral – Coronavirus update (18 March)

All public worship will no longer take place. This means that Evensong, Eucharists and other public services (including the healing service) will not happen. Other groups that meet currently (Taizé and Taste and See) will not be convened in a physical sense. The Cathedral Choristers and the Vicars Choral (including choral scholars) will not be singing services.

The Cathedral will remain open as a place of prayer, but all who enter will be asked to observe recommendations about physical (also known as social) distancing recommendations. Clergy will continue to maintain their pattern of daily and evening prayer and no-one will be turned away should they choose to join clergy in private prayer. All recommendations around maintaining hygiene in churches will be followed. Virgers and cleaners will be essential to ensure the building remains open and clean.

For further information, please see the Church of England website here. A copy of the Archbishop’s letter is available here.

Concerts and events in Wells Cathedral

In addition to the changes in worship, a number of other events happening in the Cathedral have been cancelled and postponed. Please check the ‘What’s On’ page for full details.

Further details will be announced shortly.

National Advice & Guidance

Please consider if you should come into the Cathedral if you have a serious health condition and should be avoiding social contact, are yourself unwell or anyone in your household has a persistent cough or fever, or have recently returned to this country from somewhere where Covid-19 is prevalent. The government is asking that anyone in these categories self-isolates.

For more information and advice see:

NHS advice:

Government advice:

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