A Warm Welcome Back!

Glad to be back! Photo: © Jason Bryant

Glad to be back! Photo: © Jason Bryant

Saturday saw a very special moment in the life of Wells Cathedral. After an absence of over six months, the Cathedral Choir once again sang at Choral Evensong. Carefully spaced so as to follow current guidelines, the Choir was divided into two groups - Decani singing on the Nave Dais, and Cantoris at the West End. The Choristers had been rehearsing since Thursday morning - a heart-in-mouth moment for Director of Music, Jeremy Cole, who had no idea as to what shape they would be in after such a long break. But all their previous training, maintained as best as had been possible via Zoom sessions in lockdown, had of course paid off and they were soon back in fine voice. With music by Bruckner, Stanford, Gibbons and David Goodenough, all sung to a socially-distanced capacity congregation, it was a wonderfully affirming experience for all to hear the Choir’s voices once again filling that glorious space. It is wonderful to have them back.

As is usually the case at the beginning of the academic year, the service gave opportunity to welcome the newest members of the Music Foundation; the six new Probationers - Clementine, Naomi, Michael, Alma, Stanley, and Joseph; two new Organ Scholars - François and June; and not forgetting our new Assistant Director of Music, Alexander Hamilton. We offer them all the warmest of welcomes to Wells.

Elsa joined Daniel and George to serve as Head Choristers for the coming year; and Elizabeth, Gabriel, and Shannon are to serve as Deputy Head Choristers.

For the first time three Choristers were also admitted to named Choristerships, all of which have been founded in memory of three former members of the Cathedral foundation who had a particular love of the Cathedral music. Elizabeth was admitted to the Choristership in memory of Dean Patrick Mitchell; Hannah to the Choristership in memory of Jean Lewis; and Emily to the Choristership in memory of Elsa van der Zee.

The new Probationers

The Heads, Deputy Heads and those Choristers who have been awarded named Choristerships

Last but certainly not least, we offer our heartfelt congratulations to those choristers who have passed their year's probation and were admitted to the choir as full surpliced choristers - Elizabeth, Madeleine, Belinda, Oliver, Hannah, Aleksei, Emily, Freya, and Natasha. Well done all!

The newly surpliced Choristers

Alexander Hamilton, our new Assistant Director of Music

Alexander Hamilton, our new Assistant Director of Music

The Choir will continue in its divided form at the weekly services for the immediate future. The Vicars Choral will sing Evensong on Mondays; the Cantoris Choristers and Vicars Choral will singing Evensong on Tuesdays; the Decani Choristers and Vicars Choral will singing Evensong on Thursdays; and the weekend’s services will be divided on a alternating basis. Full details of the services for the next two weeks can be downloaded here.

Please see below for further photographs from the service.
We are very grateful to
Jason Bryant for taking these for us.

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