A Wonderful Occasion!

What a wonderful occasion yesterday's WCCT Annual Evensong at Wells Cathedral was! Old friends and new gathered to celebrate before the service with our special guest, Dr Anthony Crossland, who cut his 90th birthday cake with great skill! A full nave marvelled at the soaring voices of the choir during the service, who were ably conducted by Dr Crossland during the anthem I was glad by Parry. And the Friends of Wells Cathedral Chorister Trust toasted the success of another year after the service. Certainly a day to remember!

Photo of Dr Crossland with the Cathedral Choir courtesy of Jason Bryant.

Tony Crossland conducting Cathedral Choir with great aplomb, the music being the anthem I was Glad by Parry, with organ, brass and timpani.

‘Tony’s boys’, including former Assistant Organist, Andrew Nethsingha (far left)

L-R: Tim Uglow (former Wells Chorister), Jeremy Cole (Director of Music), Tony Crossland, Robert Wills (former Wells Chorister)

Nick Hodges and Jeremy Cole

Nick Hodges and Jeremy Cole

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