A Welcome Visit from Our Royal Patron

We were thrilled that our Royal Patron, HRH The Countess of Wessex, made a visit to Wells Cathedral on Monday 17 May as part of a wider visit to Somerset, coinciding with the re-opening of hospitality and tourism businesses.

The Countess was greeted by the Dean of Wells, the Very Reverend Dr John Davies DL, who escorted Her Royal Highness into the Cathedral. The Countess was then greeted by the Chairman of the Wells Cathedral Chorister Trust, Mr Arnold Wills, and the Head Master of Wells Cathedral School, Mr Alastair Tighe, and introduced to some of the guests in attendance.

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Her Royal Highness was invited to take a seat in the Nave for a short performance given by the Wells Cathedral Choristers. Director of Music, Mr Jeremy Cole directed the Choristers in a delightful recital which included a demonstration of the various exercises the Choristers are taken through each day to warm up their voices and maintain and improve their vocal health and technique. The Choristers then sang two uplifting pieces:which included two uplifting pieces: The Lord is my Shepherd by Howard Goodall and a sparkling arrangement of Sydney Carter’s hymn, The Lord of the Dance. The recital was accompanied by the Assistant Director of Music, Mr Alexander Hamilton.

Following the recital, Her Royal Highness met the Choristers and they were delighted to talk to her about their experiences in the Choir, particularly during the recent lockdowns, their love of music and performance, and the challenges and highlights of chorister life!

Before she left, The Countess was presented with a posey by the two youngest choristers, Clemmie and Stanley, and took afternoon tea with honoured guests.

After such a difficult year, it was a real honour and treat for everyone, particularly the Choristers, to welcome back our Royal Patron to Wells Cathedral.

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