Wonderful Concert with The Gesualdo Six

The Choristers had a wonderful time on Saturday performing in concert with The Gesualdo Six and their director, Owain Park (former Organ Scholar at Wells Cathedral).

They spent time in the afternoon working with Owain and the consort, discussing and shaping the music for the evening’s concert.

The Gesualdo Six opened the concert by perming a number of English motets - Renaissance masterpieces from the Golden Age of polyphony in England by the likes of Tallis, Byrd, and White before the Choristers joined them for a glorious rendition of John Sheppard’s Libera Nos (II).

The second half opened with the Choristers performing again with the consort in Jean Mouton’s beautiful Salva Nos, Domine. Mouton was a Renaissance French composer who celebrates his 500th anniversary this year.

The Gesulado Six went on to thrill the audience with further works by Gombert and Bingen before moving to contemporary works written by Park himself and Alison Willis. The consort were then joined by trumpeter and Former Chorister, Erin Davies, who joined them in performing works by Alec Roth and Richard Barnard, much to the audience’s delight. The concert then concluded with a mesmerising work by Canadian composer, Eleanor Daley.

The concert was followed by a reception for the Friends of WCCT, at which The Gesulado Six further entertained the thrilled guests with some close harmony numbers! It was a fantastic evening and we are extremely grateful to Owain and the other members of the consort for coming and helping the Trust in our fundraising endeavours.

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