Celebrating the work of the Trust

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Choral Evensong at Wells Cathedral this afternoon marked the work of Wells Cathedral Chorister Trust. Directed by Jeremy Cole and accompanied by Alex Hamilton, the Cathedral Choir sang at full strength - Decani singing from the West End and Cantoris on the Nave Dias - and we were treated to a musical feast including works by John Rutter, Percy Whitlock, Gabriel Jackson, William Harris, and Ralph Vaughan Williams.

During the service, thanks was given for the contributions of former supporters of the Trust, including Bill Baker, Iain Ball, Hon. Vice-Admiral Sir Donald Gosling, Sir Ronald Hobson, Janet Jones, and Angus Watson.

It was a particularly special service for the family of former Chairman of the Trust, Iain Ball, as the first Choristership in his name was awarded to Boy Chorister, George (pictured above, right).

Whilst it was sad not to be able to host the usual reception afterwards, it was wonderful to see so many of the Trust’s supporters present. Arnold Wills, the present Chairman, wrote the following in his preface to the service:

“Where children are unable to take up offered places to be a chorister, often through nothing more than a lack of funding, their voices may lost forever. Wells Cathedral Chorister Trust has a large and growing family of regular and occasional supporters, who appreciate and admire our Choristers. We would like you to be part of the WCCT family so that together we can all help to ensure that there are no ‘lost voices’.

Never has this been more true than now. Please do consider supporting us. You can find out more about the work of our Trust HERE and about our regular donor scheme HERE.

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