An Invitation to our Celebration Evensong

I am so very pleased to invite all of our supporters to attend the Annual WCCT Evensong in Wells Cathedral. This is a difficult time as we all know, therefore the seating will be limited and we are unable to hold a reception afterwards. However, the Boy and Girl Choristers and the Vicars Choral will sing Evensong in the Nave and it will no doubt be a joyous and uplifting occasion.

We will also use this occasional to launch the first Chorister Award in Memory of Iain Ball, former Chairman of this Trust.

Also, the Trustees wish to record at the Annual Evensongs a Thanksgiving in Memory of those who have been supporters of the Chorister Trust over the years. If you wish to include names of your loved ones to be included in this, please reply accordingly to the WCCT Administrator, Hannah Unwin who is compiling a list (not to the Cathedral Administrator, to avoid confusion)

Timescales are tight but at least we now know we can hold this event.

Next steps:

  • If you’re able to come, please confirm the number in your party (up to a maximum of six) as soon as possible and definitely no later than Tuesday 6 October to Hannah Unwin, our new Administrator ( We also need to be aware of any wheelchair users to ensure appropriate seating. These details will be passed to the Cathedral Office with your email contact so that they can send you final arrangements before the Evensong.

  • If you cannot join us but still wish to help by making a donation to the Chorister Trust then please click here to visit the relevant page on our website.

  • Send the names of loved ones who have been supporters of the Trust by email please to

  • At the Evensong, the collection this year is shared with the Cathedral's 'Bounce Back Appeal' as the Cathedral copes with the current financial uncertainty.

  • I would always love to hear from any individuals, even just to say ‘hello, here I am’! My email address is:

I hope to see you on the day and if not, to hear from you.

With very best wishes.

Yours sincerely,

Arnold Wills
07808 803674

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