The Choir Returns!

Wells Cathedral Choir Advent 2019.jpg

We are thrilled to hear that the Cathedral Choir is to return and sing in Wells Cathedral this term. The first sung service of the new academic year is to be on Saturday 5 September when there will be a special Choral Evensong held in the nave, with celebrations for members of the Music Foundation. All are warmly invited to come. This promises to be a very special and important moment. Please do come to support our Choristers and all members of the Music Foundation.

Social distancing arrangements are fully in place at the Cathedral, and those attending are asked to wear a face mask, unless they have good reason not to.

There will be a retiring collection to support the Cathedral’s Bounce Back Appeal, in support of the Cathedral’s music.

Please note that those planning to attend are asked to email by midday on Tuesday 2nd September, so that the Cathedral can prepare well for this special occasion.

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