Welcome to our New Patron!

David Morgan-Hewitt.jpg

I’m delighted to say that David Morgan-Hewitt has agreed to become a Patron of the WCCT, and he shares my enthusiasm for the Trust. Like me, he is a former Cathedral Chorister and we sang together in Three Choirs events, me with Peterborough, and David with Norwich, together with Ely. They were glorious days and he was a junior chorister whilst I was ‘almost over the hill’! I have no doubt at all that he will be a significant friend to the Trust, with ideas, suggestions and wisdom along the way. David introduces himself in a message below.

Arnold Wills

I am absolutely delighted to have been asked to become a Patron of the Wells Cathedral Chorister Trust.  Many years ago, I was a cathedral chorister at Norwich and choral music and Cathedral worship have been part of my life from a very early age. Having moved to Wells from London a couple of years ago I am now so privileged to live in The Rib -  a fabulous mediaeval canonical house with the Chapter House in our front garden and The Lady Chapel in the back garden. I am so spoilt as I can sit in our back garden and hear the choir singing in the cathedral - sounding even better if I pop next door!
Cathedral Choirs cost money and the WCCT exists to raise funds to help those ever-increasing financial demands. If the pandemic and the closure of our cathedrals has taught us anything, it is that without our fabulous choir Wells Cathedral is not whole. Having the choir back will be one of the most exciting things to have happened in years. I am thrilled to be associated, in a very small way, with this incredible organisation. 
Personally, I have never forgotten the amazing start in life I was given by being accepted into a cathedral choir.  It was pure luck that I had a voice worth listening to, but it was much more than luck that I had a place at Norwich Cathedral. It was the commitment and generosity of the Dean and Chapter and the many supporters of the choir that made my childhood so rich and happy.

David Morgan-Hewitt

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