Happy Birthday, Dr Crossland!

Richard, Anthony & Chris - 1.jpeg

Our congratulations go to Anthony Crossland - former Organist and Master of the Choristers at Wells Cathedral - who celebrates his 90th birthday today. Tony was recently appointed as a Patron of the Wells Cathedral Chorister Trust and will be attending the Annual WCCT Evensong on Saturday October 2nd with Barbara his wife, and he is hoping many former choristers will also attend (contact us via email at administrator@wcct.co.uk for further info)

Many of Wells former choristers have fond memories of their time at Wells Cathedral during Tony's tenure so everyone at the Wells Cathedral Chorister Trust sends best wishes for a very happy birthday!

Dr Crossland is pictured above at a recent Choir Reunion, flanked by two of his former choristers - Richard Cromwell (left) and Chris Seaton (right).

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