Calling all former Wells Cathedral Choristers…

Tony Crossland Wells Cathedral Choir.jpeg

Calling all former Wells Cathedral choristers! We're delighted to be sending an invitation to former choristers for the Annual Wells Cathedral Chorister Trust Evensong which will be held this year on Saturday 2nd October, and which is themed “A Celebration of Choristership”.

This ‘former choristers celebration’ will also include a special tea from 3pm as we'll be marking the 90th birthday last month of former Wells Cathedral Organist and Master of the Choristers, Dr Anthony Crossland, as well as his recent appointment as a Patron of the Wells Cathedral Chorister Trust.

Tony and his wife Barbara will be attending both the tea and Evensong and we'd love to see as many former choristers as possible.

So look out for your invitation because we're asking you to RSVP. If you don't receive an invite or you know a former chorister who'd like to attend, please email us via email

The rather wonderful photograph above is courtesy of Tim Uglow, and features Paul Lucas (Precentor) on the left, Pope John Paul II, and Dr Crossland on the right.

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